This Farm Safety course provides training and “Farm Safety Certification” in working with and around machinery, chemicals, electricity, hydraulics, ATV, and farm animals. Students will acquire knowledge and skills to safely work on a farm ranch and will receive a Farm Safety Training certificate. The course consists of online instruction, and class/lab work as well as ½ day practicum lab. The course will be taught both first block and second block of Fall semester and first block of Spring Semester.
Short Term Training opportunities (CARES funding) justified the creation of this course. Operating and working on and with powerful equipment, unpredictable livestock, chemicals, electricity, and all-terrain vehicles (UTV) make farm and ranch employment dangerous places to work. In addition, the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and the Utah Division of Wildlife require similar training and certification of their employees in basic farm equipment operation, including working-on and around tractors, equipment, and all-terrain vehicles (ATV's).
Students will gain knowledge and skills in:
1) Safe operation of major farm equipment including: understanding of equipment instrumentation and controls, towing, backing, equipment attachment safety, and common machine hazards and highway safety.
2) Pesticide and chemical safety, formulations, labeling and preventing pesticide poisoning.
3)Working around and with electricity, overhead line clearance, main switches, breaker boxes, and fuses.
4)Safe handling and working around livestock, horses, cattle, zoonosis (diseases which can be transmitted from animals to humans) and animal waste-manure pits.
5)Safe operation of ATV’s, protective equipment, operation on paved or gravel roads and on slopes, and legal ATV operation on public roads and property.
6) Taking care of yourself, personal protection equipment, ergonomics, stress, rest, heatstroke, drugs and medications, and first aid.