Agriculture livestock production enterprises will be examined and production practices and production facilities investigated. Students will be exposed to a variety of production, processing and marketing methods, both traditional and entrepreneurial, in the fields of beef, dairy, poultry, sheep, goat, and horse animal agriculture.
Entrepreneurism is increasingly become a part of agriculture. The entrepreneurial emphasis within the Business and Applied Technologies Division and the Business Department specifically creates the opportunity to expose agriculture students to a variety of entrepreneurial livestock production practices as well as traditional production enterprises. This class provides students the opportunity to visit a variety of animal production facilities, view management practices, entrepreneurial activities and discuss with the instructor and other class members their observations and applications, as well as discover internship opportunities.
In addition to instructor lectures, a variety of individuals associated with agriculture/agribusiness are invited to come and address the class. These individuals are instructed to inform students about their occupation in general but also to address the following topics: job skills needed for their position; education needed for similar positions; work environment, including location of similar jobs; job openings per year, if applicable; pay and benefits to be expected. Field trips are also taken to local agricultural operations. Students are assigned to write and hand in a summary of each visit or field trip. After several guest presentations or class field trips, a class period is used for a summary discussion.