General Education Committee
October 4, 2013
In attendance: Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun Barnhurst, Clinton King, Joseph Papenfuss,
Beckie Hermansen, Gregory Wright, Susan Larsen
Melanie handed out examples of GE descriptors used by SUU and UofU. Reminder
to use the SUU model for formatting purposes.
Lawrence Durtschi made changes to the flow chart process for syllabus approval, which is available on the Curriculum Committee web page. We reviewed those changes. Joseph moved that the revised flow chart be approved. LaFaun seconded the motion, and there was unanimous agreement. Melanie agreed to ask Lawrence to add the flow chart to the GE Committee web page; she will also ask if GE Committee web page could be available on the pull down menu under Academics. Beckie presented a review of data and reports (in-house survey, and CCSEQ). She described how any one of us (or any faculty member) can easily generate these reports and/or look at the data for ourselves using Blackboard. We agreed to administer CCSEE next semester. Beckie will get move ahead with that so faculty can be informed by December if they need to schedule time for that in their courses. There was some discussion of making assessment a requirement for graduation. We are still struggling with issues surrounding administration of assessment (i.e. low completion rates, incentives for completion, not interfering with instruction time, etc.). This discussion will continue…