Snow College Ad Hoc General Education Assessment Committee
December 2, 2011
In attendance: Mel Jacobsen, Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun Barnhurst,
Clinton King, Joseph Papenfuss, Jeff Carney (chair), Rick White
(ex officio)
Clinton moved, with Joseph seconding, to approve the minutes for
11.18.11. The motion was carried unanimously.
Joseph moved, with Mel Jacobsen seconding, to approve the
minutes for 11.11.11. The motion was carried unanimously.
Clinton moved, with Melanie seconding, to approach Fine Arts,
the Library, and PE for assessment of outcomes 1.5, 1.6, 2, 5,
and 6 for academic year 2012-2013. LaFaun had left the meeting
at this point; otherwise, the motion was carried unanimously.
Rick reminded us to create a rotational schedule for the CTE
outcomes as well.
Melanie said that she and the English Department will examine
the writing rubric to see if it already addresses Outcome 6.
Rick suggested that Outcome 6 be evaluated every year, since we
have discussed the likelihood of embedding Outcome 6 in
(perhaps) every course that counts for GE. The process would be
made efficient if the assessment of Outcome 6 dovetails with
assessment efforts already being undertaken during the same
academic year.