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GE Minutes 2-11-2013

Snow College General Education Committee
February 11, 2013
In attendance: Mel Jacobsen, Richard Squire, Susan Larsen, Joseph Papenfuss, Clinton
King, Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun Barnhurst, David Allred
Clinton moved to approve the minutes of 2/4/13; Richard seconded. Unanimously

More discussion of value of the assessment data collected by Institutional Research. Agreed to bring up the CCSSE and SENSE in division meeting and talk about what we can learn from it—close the loop. David Allred presented more information about his Honors class that will fulfill the Science Inquiry box on the GE worksheet. There was a question about how Honors will maintain consistency and academic integrity from semester to semester. David assured the committee that there is a form for special projects that this class would follow. Each semester would also require dean’s signatures on the proposal form. Mel recommended they stay away from the variable credit if it’s going to fit in a box on the worksheet and fulfill GE distribution requirements. Richard moved to approve syllabus contingent on discussed changes. Mel seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved. Brief discussion of composition assessment 2011-2012. Discussion about putting a heading on the template to cover “Mission Statement.”