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GE Minutes 3-11-2013

Snow College General Education Committee
March 11, 2013
In attendance: Mel Jacobsen, Joseph Papenfuss, Clinton King, Melanie Jenkins, LaFaun
Barnhurst, Rick White, Gregory Wright, Adam Larsen
Clinton motioned, LaFaun seconded for approval of minutes from 3/4. Unanimous vote.

A discussion over approval of Engl 2130, a new class designed to award GE credit in Humanities. Motion to approve, Adam; Gregory seconded. Unanimous vote. The rest of the time was spent carefully going over assessment that Becky put together for incoming freshman. We made some editing and wordsmithing changes to the document. Students will take a similar or identical survey in their exiting semester. We agreed to include only one essay option, which will combine questions 1 and 5 of the model document.

We spent some time discussing logistics of implementation. Students need to take entering assessment their first semester and exit assessment ideally their last semester. We discussed tying the first to the admissions process and the second to the application for graduation. We will discuss those options. Rick suggested that we pull focus groups of students together to test out the instrument. A longitudinal study of both the content and quality of the essay would be interesting. Talk to Beckie about that possibility. We will not meet for the next two weeks.