“Snow College continues a tradition of excellence, encourages a culture of innovation,
and cultivates an atmosphere of engagement to advance students in the achievement
of their educational goals” (Mission Statement of Snow College, 2011). The Honors
Program enhances this mission by providing students with the opportunities for small
classes, taught by exceptional faculty, that encourage vigorous discussion, collaboration,
and critical thinking. In addition to classes, the Snow College Honors Program facilitates
student travel (such as field trips to significant cultural experiences) and other
out-of-class interactions (book clubs, socials, etc.).
Each division will (s)elect a full-time faculty member to a three-year, renewable
term as a member of the Honors Program Committee. The division representative will
be a voting member and will act as liaison to the division.
Additionally, any full-time faculty member committed to the mission of the Honors
program may be a voting member of the committee. It is desired to have representation
from many different disciplines within each division.
Committee members help decide policy, procedures, and practice, help recruit students
to the program, and can help review applications for membership or scholarships.
The Snow College Honors Program is led by a director (or two co-directors) who are
selected by the Provost in consultation with the Honors committee. The director/co-directors
serve(s) a three-year term. With approval of the Provost and Honors committee, the
director/co-directors may serve up to two consecutive three-year terms.
Presiding Authority: The Snow College Honors Program director/co-directors shall
be the presiding officer(s) at all formal meetings. In the absence of the director
(or both co-directors), the meeting shall be adjourned.
Meetings will be held as needed, generally twice a semester.
Meetings are open to all faculty and staff members except during executive sessions.
Any committee member may recommend items for the agenda.