COMM 1910 Newspaper Production I
- Division: Fine Arts, Comm, and New Media
- Department: Communications
- Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 2; Lecture: 2; Lab: 1
- Semesters Offered: Spring
- Semester Approved: Fall 2019
- Five-Year Review Semester: Summer 2025
- End Semester: Summer 2025
- Optimum Class Size: 15
- Maximum Class Size: 20
Course Description
Students have the opportunity to engage in an in-depth examination of Journalism and the news writing and design processes. Students are responsible for the planning design, and publication of the Snowdrift, Snow College's student newspaper. This production process will involve feature writing, page/graphic design, typesetting, and business management.
This course provides direct training in newspaper production techniques such as page layout, design, headline writing, editing, etc.The goal is to produce a high-quality student paper. This Spring semester course focuses on design elements. The course provides some training in subject and skill areas that would be covered in advanced journalism courses at larger schools. The course will transfer as elective credit.
Student Learning Outcomes
- This course is designed to provide opportunities for students to engage in an in-depth examination of Journalism, the news writing process, and elements of design.
- Students are responsible for the planning, designing, and publication of the school newspaper.
- Participation work sessions will constitute a major portion of the production.
- Adobe Indesign and layout elements are a key feature of this course. Students will practice and have experiences designing pages.
Course Content
Course objectives will be accomplished by providing students with learning experiences in the following subject areas: Non-text design elements, graphics and sidebars, special effects, redesigning a newspaper, editing ad proofreading, advertising, ethics of news reporting.
Key Performance Indicators: Completion and quality of stories written for publication 15 to 30%Indesign and Layout assignments 30 to 40%Distribution of Newspapers on campus 20 to 30%Class Participation 20 to 25%Additional Assignments 10 to 15%Representative Text and/or Supplies: Tim Harrower, The Newspaper Designer's Handbook, current edition, Dubuque: WCB Brown and Benchmark.Local and national newspapers will be analyzed, as well as The Snowdrift and other college newspapers.Pedagogy Statement: This is a hands-on class. Students actively participate and produce a student newspaper. Emphasis is placed on active participation, research, production, assessment and presentation skills. Instructional Mediums: LectureLab