PHYS 2015 is the laboratory experience to accompany PHYS 2010. Students will learn techniques of measurement and data analysis. They will learn to communicate scientific results effectively in writing. Principles from the lecture course (PHYS 2010) will be illustrated and experiments confirming class results will be performed. Lab fee required.
This course is a necessary component of the curriculum for pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-pharmacy, and other biological science majors. This course is designed to be transferable to other higher education institutions in Utah which offer a similar course with the same course number.
Students perform a series of experiments about measurements, significant figures, resultant forces, Newton s Laws, work and energy, momentum, circular motion, torque, densities, Archimedes Principle, specific heat, heat of fusion, and themechanical equivalent of heat.The measurement and verification of physical laws will be a major focus, but the development and history of our understanding of these laws will also be emphasized - especially in the accompanying classroom section.