Instructions for Using the Internship Master Syllabus
The following syllabus is intended to provide standard policies for all student cooperative
learning experiences and internships. Instructors desiring to create internship opportunities
for students should do the following:
- Create a master syllabus based on the syllabus below. Please consult with your division
Curriculum Committee representative as you create the syllabus.
- Obtain approval from the department chair and dean.
- Submit the syllabus for approval according to Curriculum Committee procedures.
Supervisors wishing to create internship opportunities should work with individual
faculty members and departments in this process.
Please note the following additional policies:
- Departments should have a designated coordinator over internships (this may be the
department chair).
- Departments are responsible for completing PAF paperwork.
- Internships should use the following common course numbers: 1997 or 2997.
- Faculty must have faculty rank to be a mentor.
- Faculty mentors cannot also be supervisors of the same students in the same semester.
- Students should not be taking a course at the same time that allows coursework to
be credited for both the course and the internship.