Building Policies for Students of Horne School of Music
Students have access to any space that can be opened by a key card. Sectional rehearsals
must occur in those spaces.
M144 is a classroom, not a rehearsal studio
Use of the Recital Hall, Orchestra/Band Room, or Concert Hall must be scheduled with Sherry
Nielson and supervised by faculty or the house manager
Use of the Eccles Recording Studio, Tech Lab or the West Campus Music Center must
be scheduled through Mr. Harris and supervised by faculty or the house manager
The Tech Crew and faculty are the only people authorized to move a piano
Do not leave instrument cases on the floor of storage rooms
No one touches percussion equipment except percussionists (see Jay Lawrence or Dr.
Vance Larsen with questions)
Never put anything on a piano and replace piano covers after use
Percussionist schedule percussion studio first, then other drum rooms
If you move music stands, chairs, or other equipment, return it when you are finished
Keep locker rooms clean, throw away your own trash!
Copy machines for student use are located in the library