This course teaches students the fundamentals of playing all of the instruments in the percussion family. It will be taught every other year, alternating with MUSC 1700. It is optional but strongly encouraged, as it satisfies the instrumental music education major's similar requirements at transfer institutions.
This course is an important requirement in an instrumental music education degree. All other institutions in the state offer this course beginning in the freshman year, generally at the 1000 or 2000 level. Students may take this course at any time during their four-year career. However, offering this course at Snow enables students to be further ahead when they transfer.
The following topics will be covered in this course:
A. Correct hand positions and sticking techniques.
B. How to read percussion notation.
C. Selection process of high quality literature for the different percussion instruments.
D. Pedagogical methods and strategies for instrumental music educators as they relate specifically to high school and middle school instrumental music programs.