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Steven Hart


Steven Hart

  • Associate Professor
  • Phone: 435 283-7047
  • Office: Graham Science Center Building, GRSC-335
  • E-mail: ude.wons@trah.nevets
  • Ph.D; Physics, University of Wisconsin 
  • B.S.; Physics, Utah State University
Teaching Interests

      I love teaching both mathematics and physics - including astronomy courses.  I have always wanted to understand how things work, and mathematics and physics are two amazing disciplines that help you understand things on the most fundamental level.  When I teach, I want my students to discover their own capabilities and I would rather be considered a great guide than a great expert.  While I am always willing to stand in front of a room and provide an explanation, I find that when students seek learning through questions and peer interaction, their learning is typically deeper and richer.  I always strive to foster an environment where such learning may occur.  I began teaching immediately out of grad school - teaching for 3 years at the Mercy College of Health Sciences in Des Moines Iowa.  Since 2016, I have taught in the math and physics departments at Snow College.  What a great place!  I love Snow College and hope you will to if you're still getting acquainted.

Other Interests

      I love building and creating.  Home-remodeling, custom furniture, random works of art - you name it.  I also love the outdoors - hiking, kayaking, mountain biking.  Taking my family (4 kids) on backpacking and camping trips is one of my favorite things.  I'm not great (yet!), but I have a growing interest in pickleball.  I'm not as nimble as I once was, but I still love a good game of racquetball.  I also enjoy puzzles, music (singing, piano, learning the organ), reading (mostly fantasy, but will read most anything), and the abundant use of parenthesis (even nested ones (like this)).