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Waitlisting may provide many advantages to students, instructors, and administrators. The biggest advantage to students is that they will be notified when a seat becomes available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Waitlisting will be advantageous to instructors by removing the need for them to manually sign students into a class. Waitlisting will also be helpful to administrators by allowing them to track the demand for certain courses and better manage curriculum offerings.

The following are some frequently asked questions regarding waitlisting:

Please scroll down for answers to these questions. Snow College has prepared tutorials for faculty and students.

How does Waitlisting work?

Students who attempt to register for a class that is full may put themselves on a waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. When an open seat becomes available, an e-mail will be sent to the student e-mail address of the student at the top of the waitlist. The student will have 24* hours to go online and add the class.

The open seat will be reserved for that student and no other student may login and register for that seat during that 24*-hour time period.

If the student does not register for the course, the next student on the list will be notified and have 24* hours to register.

*The weekend before the first day of the regularly scheduled semester begins, waitlist notifications will transition from a 24 hour response time to a 12 hour response time. This means that once a student receives an opening notification, their seat will only be reserved for 12 hours before the seat is given to the next student on the waitlist.

Prerequisite for Waitlisting

Waitlisting notifications will be sent to the e-mail address. Students must meet all of the course prerequisites and requirements in order to sign up for a wait list.

How do I sign up for a waiting list?

All registration for waitlists must be done online. A tutorial is available for your convenience.

Is there a way for me to see how close I am to the top of a waiting list?

Yes. Please review this tutorial for directions. If your waitlist position is number 1 (one), it means that you are next in line to receive an e-mail when an open seat becomes available. If you are in the number 1 position when a seat becomes available, you will move into the number 0 (zero) position and an e-mail will be sent to your students e-mail address.

What happens if I don’t register for a course within 24 hours after receiving an e-mail notification?

If you do not register within 12/24 hours from the time the e-mail was sent, you will automatically be dropped from the waitlist. The next student on the waitlist will move to the top of the list. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you check your e-mail at least twice a day, especially if you know that you are close to the top of a waitlist.

What if I am a sophomore? Shouldn’t I get priority over a freshman?

Only during Priority Registration. Priority registration occurs only once at the beginning of the registration period. After the initial few days of registration, all other registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

May I get on the waitlist for more than one section of the same course?

Yes. Although you may not register for two or more sections of the same class, you may add yourself to the waitlists of more than one section of a course. For example, you may be registered for a course, but you would like to take the course at a different time. The system will allow you to stay in your current section and also get on the waitlist for additional sections of the course. If you are notified via e-mail that a seat is now available in a different section, you must first drop the class for which you are registered, and then you may register for the section in which you were previously waitlisted. As a common courtesy to other students, it is expected that you will drop yourself from any classes or waitlists that you do not intend to take.

May I get on the waitlist for a class that has a time conflict with another course?

Yes. Although you many not register for courses with time conflicts, you may add yourself to the waitlists of courses that have time conflicts with courses for which you are registered or with other courses that you have waitlisted. If you are notified via e-mail that a seat is now available for a waitlisted class, you must drop any course for which you are registered that has a time conflict before you may register for the waitlisted course.

At what point does a waitlist go away?

All waitlists will be discontinued at end of day (11:59 pm) on the day before the semester begins. You may still add or drop a class through Badger Web through the first week of class. After the first week, an instructor’s signature is required to add a course. Add cards will not be accepted during the time in which the waitlist is active. Though your registration will still show that you are waitlisted for a class after the system has stopped notifying students, this is to provide professors the opportunity to add students into their class according to the waitlist if the professor so chooses.

What about classes that are co-requisite?

Classes and labs that have co-requisites must both be added at the time of registration. If spaces is not available in one or both of the co-requisites, you will need to waitlist for co-requisite classes and labs at the time of registration.

I received a waitlist e-mail, but when I tried to register I couldn’t because of a hold. What’s wrong?

All holds must be cleared prior to any registration activity (this includes waitlisted classes).

I accidentally dropped my waitlisted class. How do I get back in?

As long as you are still within the 24 hour window (or 12 hour window during the first week of school) you can add the class by going to the Add or Drop Classes screen in Badger Web. You will then need to type in the CRN in the Add Classes Worksheet and click submit changes. This will register you for the class, and not put you on the waitlist.