What is UQI?
Undergraduate Quality Initiative (UQI) funds were originally appropriated by the
legislature to help faculty members better themselves and provide a quality experience
for undergraduates.
How much funding is available?
Full time faculty may apply for up to $300 of UQI monies in an academic year. Adjunct
faculty may apply for up to $150 per year.
Whose approval is needed?
All requests will be sent to your academic supervisor - typically your department
chair for approval. A letter of support is not required, but a supporting comment
may be added when approval is granted. Requests are then automatically forwarded to
the Director(s) of faculty development and your request will be considered by members
of the Teaching and Learning Center Committee.
What can the funds be used for?
What is the deadline for making a request?
Requests for the current academic year must be submitted on or before April 1.