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Trent Bean


Trent Bean

  • Associate Professor
  • Phone: 435 283-7482
  • Office: Eccles Center for the Performing Arts Building, ECCLES-T117
  • E-mail: ude.wons@naeb.tnert
Additional Information: 

Trent is an award winning scenic designer. He studied at The Ohio State University, where he received his Master’s Degree in Production Design and Technology. His professional work includes Park City’s Egyptian Theatre, Old Lyric Repertory Company, Ohio Valley Theatre, Actor’s Theatre of Columbus, and others. Trent has had the pleasure of working under the tutelage of notable theatre artists such as Karl Eigsti, and Petr Matasek as well as a number of artists at The Royal Shakespeare Company. As a scenic designer, technical director, properties artisan and designer, projection designer, scenic carpenter, scenic charge artist, fight choreographer, sound designer, box office manager, and director, Trent has been involved with over 150 productions.