Civic Engagement and Service Learning Committee (CE&SL) strives to ensure the academic
integrity of Snow College and to promote the continuous improvement of service learning
as part of the curriculum. In addition the committee will oversee the CE&SL coordinator
and advise on expenditures from CE&SL budget. To carry out these responsibilities
the committee will review and approve all service learning course applications, evaluate
each current service learning course (periodically in a rotating basis). The committee
will also decide who will teach GNST 1100 (Introduction to Civic Engagement and Service
The CE&SL committee is a standing sub-committee of the Faculty Senate. It consists
of one voting member elected from each teaching division. The Vice President for Academic
Affairs is a non-voting member and acts as a primary supervisor for the committee
and director. The committee will elect a faculty member for a three-year term as director
(renewable once). Any interested faculty member can attend the meetings of the committee
but will not be considered voting members.
A CE&SL committee member’s term of office will be two years (renewable). If a committee
member is unable to complete his or her term of office, the division involved shall
elect a replacement to complete the term. Temporary vacancies shall be filled by election
or appointment by the division Dean, as determined within each division.
Organization/Duties of the Director
The director will have the following duties as part of their position:
- Call the committee into session and provide an agenda. The chair will ensurethat the
minutes are readily available to any interested members of the campus community.
- The director will invite interested members of the campus community suchas deans,
advisors and so on to sit with the community on an ad hoc basis. Any person or persons
may request to be placed on the agenda for the purpose of addressing the committee
on an issue.
- The director will see that opportunities for in-service training in service learning
are provided for the members of the committee and the CE&SL coordinator
Organization/Duties of the Committee Members
- Each member of the committee will have one vote on motions made by committee members.
A motion passed by a majority of the voting members of the committee (not just a majority
of those present) will constitute a decision by the committee.
- The committee will meet monthly to carry out its responsibilities including the following:
- Assure the academic integrity of service learning courses at Snow College
- Approve and advise new service learning course applications
- Periodically review all service learning syllabi
- Oversee the CE&SL budget
- Make an annual report to Senate on the status of CE&SL courses
- Make an annual report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on the CE&SL program,
coordinator and budget
- Seek applications from full-time and adjunct instructors for GNST 1100 and approve
instructors for this class
- Oversee GNST 1100 by reading student evaluations, assessing enrollment, advising instructors
on best practices
- Oversee appointment of the Director of CE&SL and evaluate the quality of the director’s
job performance
- Oversee bylaws of committee with revision or addition