Civic Engagement, Service Learning Syllabi, & Resources
Youthlinc is a Salt Lake City based organization offering student scholarships, local and international
service opportunities and other resources to students and colleges.
Campus Compact is a national coalition of over 1,000 colleges and universities committed to fulfilling
the civic purposes of higher education, also offering sample syllabi by discipline.
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) AACC’s service learning resources include curriculum tools, video training modules,
discipline-specific course templates, reflection and assessment resources, publications,
and links.
The Democracy Commitment (TDC) “is a national initiative providing a platform for the development and expansion
of community college programs, projects and curricula aiming at engaging students
in civic learning and democratic practice across the country.”
Youth Service America (YSA) “supports a global culture of engaged youth (age 5-25) committed to a lifetime of
service, learning, leadership, and achievement.”
IPSL programs combine academic studies, community service, and full cultural immersion
to give students a deeper, more meaningful study abroad experience.